On the last decade of my professional life
The last decade was a race against poverty honestly. I did a lot of things just to save face, not from my family or friends but myself. A consistent failure in my own eyes, money and professional acclaim is how I told myself I will redeem myself.
I lived in over 7 houses across 5 cities and kept moving to inch myself closer to my standards, never realizing the such a frantic pace in change of environment can cause one to get dizzy and loose sight of oneself.
It was a bittersweet decade. I had my fair share of good luck, bad decisions and dodged bullets. I was incredibly impressionable, in both good and bad ways. I scored some classic wins – work at big tech companies, be part of a startup acquisition, start an education venture and lost out some classic battles as well – get better jobs, rise up in corporate ranks etc.
The last decade is over now. It ended weirdly. On bad days, I even consider it to have ended poorly. I have spent the last few months of my life grieving its end, dissecting it to pieces and carefully analyzing what it means for my future and my ego.
That analysis is done now. And I have just one goal – to enjoy my work more, to reclaim my pride in my work.